Students in grades K-6 will have different options for free virtual instruction for the 2024-2025 school year! This program is called Launchpad and offers the options found below. Have additional questions? Please reach out to your Independent Study Teacher.
How is Launchpad different from Virtual Academy?
Virtual Academy is a full curriculum and requires the use of school Planning Amounts to enroll. 与此形成鲜明对比的是, Planning Amounts are not necessary to attend any of our Launchpad options (with the exception of IEW which will require students to purchase the IEW curriculum).
Am I able to sign my student up for more than one class?
Yes, it is possible to sign up for two classes simultaneously. For example, a student could take a phonics class on M/W and a math class on T/Th. Learning Launchpad and 打字发射台 classes are always open for attendance.
Who will be teaching these classes?
All of our Launchpad classes will be taught by a credentialed teacher or qualified paraeducator.
Where can I find more information about the Accelerated Launchpad (intervention) classes and what will be offered?
More complete class descriptions will be coming soon, but some of the options will include numbers and operations, fractions and decimals, 解决问题, and pre-algebra skills. We will also be offering phonics and reading comprehension classes at a variety of different levels.
Are these classes mandatory?
With the exception of 古人发射台 (which is required), all Launchpad classes are optional, but we are excited about these opportunities and hope that as many students as possible join!